Connect to a blog account
Before you start writing post for your blog, you need have a blog account and add this account to Matrix Writer. Currently Matrix Writer support WordPress, Google Blogger and blog services which supports Metaweblog API, you need make sure that your blog service is supported by Matrix Writer.
Follow below steps to connect to your WordPress accound.
1. Click "Connect to a blog account" in the Quick Start pane.
2. In add blog account wizard make sure WordPress is current selection.
3. Click "Sign in" button in wizard, you will be navigate to your WordPress Login page in your default browser, login to you WordPress account if you are not logged in. Click "Approve" button in the web browser to allow Matrix Writer publish post on be half you.
4. After you approved Matrix Wrtier connect to your WordPress account, you will see all your blogs of your current account. Click "Finish" to add these accounts to Matrix Writer.
Follow below steps to connect Google blogger account.
1. Select "Google Blogger" in the wizard.
2. Click "Sign in" button then login with your Google account and approve Matrix Writer's connection.
3. Click "Finish" to add google account to Matrix Writer.
Add other blog services.
Matrix Writer user WorPress Public API and Blogger Public API to publish your posts, but not all blog service provides their own APIs, and it would be huge work for Matrix Writer to support every blog service API. Fortunatelly, most blog service provide MetaWeblog API support, please check with your blog service, whether it is supported by your blog service.
To add other blog service, follow below steps.
1. Select "Other services" in wizard.
2. Fill the account form to allow Matrix Writer connect to your blog account.
- Web address of your blog, this is normally you blog home page, some blog service use different address.
- User name, your user name of your blog service
- Password, your password of your blog service
- Please check remember my password to allow Matrix Writer publish post without login.
After you connected to your blog service account, you can see your accounts list in "My Blogs" pane, the account marked with "heart" is your default blog account which is used when you click "Write a new post" to start a new post editing.
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