
Showing posts from June, 2017

Share post to socail media

Social medias are hot and very hot! Social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc have became a part of many people's life. One hand it became easy to share something with family, friends event the whole world, on the hand people become like write short article instead of an article to describe something more clear.  Matrix Writer can help blog writer to share their posts to social medias after the posts published to your blog service, so far Twitter and Facebook are supported, please let me know what are the social medias you like Matrix  Writer to support.  Here are the steps of how to share your posts to Twitter and Facebook. Activate your social media account  Go to Accounts Setting view by click Options from Welcome view Click Accounts from left, then scroll down to Social Accounts setting Click Sign in button of the Solcial Media and follow the steps to authorize Matrix Writer publish messages to your sociale media account After the authroization, the social me...

Publish one post to multiple accounts

There is an old theory that don't put all your eggs into one basket, of course this is primary for safty. I agree this theory. Originally I used Microsoft Space for my blog, unfortunatelly Microsoft closed the blog service, even Microsoft provide tools to migrate post from Space to other blog services, but behind the planet famous national firewall, we didn't have many options, WordPress is blocked, Blogger is blocked.... After that I like to publish my posts to different blog services to make it more safe, of course it also help you become famous from the search engine. So, Matrix Writer supports publish posts to multiple accounts with one click! First you need have multiple blog accounts, no matter they come from one blog service or different blog services, your accounts are list under the Blog Account pane, account is displayed with format "blog name (blog service name)", for exampe from Figure-1, "Matrix Writer (WordPress)" this is Matrix Writer official...

Set post properties before publish

Most of the blog services support common post properties, the most common properties are Category setting, Tag setting, Publish Date. Matrix Writer allow set these properties from the side pane.  When show the side pane the Pst Settings is expand by default. Category Categories of current default blog account will be list under Category, Click "+" you will see Figure-2 to add new Category. Check the category/categories to publish post to this category/categories. Figure-1 Figure-2 Tag Input tags in the Tag input box and separate comman ",". Publish Date By default the publish date is the date you create your post, most blog service support setting the publish date, so you can set it as past or future.  Happy Blogging!