Share post to socail media

Social medias are hot and very hot! Social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc have became a part of many people's life. One hand it became easy to share something with family, friends event the whole world, on the hand people become like write short article instead of an article to describe something more clear. 

Matrix Writer can help blog writer to share their posts to social medias after the posts published to your blog service, so far Twitter and Facebook are supported, please let me know what are the social medias you like Matrix  Writer to support. 

Here are the steps of how to share your posts to Twitter and Facebook.

  1. Activate your social media account 
    1. Go to Accounts Setting view by click Options from Welcome view
    2. Click Accounts from left, then scroll down to Social Accounts setting
    3. Click Sign in button of the Solcial Media and follow the steps to authorize Matrix Writer publish messages to your sociale media account
    4. After the authroization, the social media account will light up
    5. Click the Check button to set it as default to share posts after publish
    6. Click the trash button to stop sharing and remove the account setting

2. Create post and share to socail media

After you set the social media account in the setting view, the social media will display in the "Share To" side pane, by default the content to share is empty, Matrix Writer will post "[account name] published '[post title]' [link to post]" to your social media, to customize the publish content, you can edit it in the edit area below. 


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